Simple XBMC Remote


What is Simple XBMC Remote?

Simple XBMC Remote is a simple Qt4 application for controlling your XBMC from your phone. It was originally developed and tested with Qt Widgets, on a N900 phone running Maemo5.

A newer version, using QML, is also available. This version was developed and tested on desktop, Maemo5 N900 and MeeGo/Harmattan N950.

Simple XBMC Remote is currently hosted on SourceForge.


Please report bugs by creating a new ticket in the bug tracker.

QML Variant (N9/N950 and N900)


Because the Qt Quick Components are available only on MeeGo Harmattan, at the time of writing, the QML variant for the desktop and Maemo5 has all the missing widgets implemented by hand; therefore, they may behave and look a bit different when compared with the ones from Harmattan.

QML Main Window

This is the main window of Simple XBMC Remote. Please refer to QML Settings Dialog for how to configure Simple XBMC Remote.


MeeGo/Harmattan N950


Maemo5 N900


You can get an in-application reminder of what each button does by selecting the Button Legend menu entry.


MeeGo/Harmattan N950


Maemo5 N900

The table bellow describes in more detail what each button does.

Button Action
images/btn_next_subtitle.png select next subtitle (if available)
images/btn_next_language.png select next language (if available)
images/btn_back.png go back (like pressing the BACKSPACE key)
images/btn_gui.png show/hide the gui (like pressing the TAB key)
images/btn_context_menu.png show the context menu (like pressing the C key)
images/btn_esc.png send ESC key (use it to get to the main menu, for example)
images/btn_volume_up.png increase the volume
images/btn_volume_down.png reduce the volume
images/btn_mute.png mute audio
  • move up
  • skip more forward
  • move down
  • skip more backward
  • move left
  • skip backward
  • move right
  • skip forward
images/btn_play_pause.png play/pause the current item
images/btn_stop.png stop playing
images/btn_enter.png select the current item (use to change directories, start a movie, etc.)

QML Settings Dialog

The Settings dialog can be activated from application's menu. The changes are saved only if you press the Accept button. Clicking outside the dialog is interpreted as canceling the current changes.


MeeGo/Harmattan N950


Maemo5 N900


Simple XBMC Remote uses the Event Server API to communicate with XBMC. This server uses UDP sockets and is, by default, configured to listen on port 9777.


If you are unable to control the XBMC, please first verify that the Event Server port is not blocked by your firewall.

On the phone

Use these settings to configure the network connection between XBMC and Simple XBMC Remote.

  • Server: the IP or name of the XBMC server
  • Port: the Event Server port (default: 9777)

On the server

The network configuration for XBMC is accessible via System > Network > Settings > Services. On this page, you will have to activate Allow programs from other systems to control XBMC.


QML About Dialog

This dialog displays some basic info. Clicking on the Tell me more! button opens this page, from SourceForge, in the default browser.


MeeGo/Harmattan N950


Maemo5 N900

Qt Widgets Variant (N900)

Main Window

This is the main window of Simple XBMC Remote. Please refer to Setup Dialog for how to configure Simple XBMC Remote.

You can switch between fullscreen and maximized by double-tapping on the main window (but not on the buttons).


Custom Screensaver

Simple XBMC Remote implements a custom screensaver that can keep the phone dimmed for a long time, without locking it. This custom screensaver is configured via the setup. To activate it, check the Use Custom Screensaver menu entry from the main menu.



You can get an in-application reminder of what each button does by selecting the Button Legend menu entry.


The table bellow describes in more detail what each button does.

Button Action
images/btn_next_subtitle.png select next subtitle (if available)
images/btn_next_language.png select next language (if available)
images/btn_back.png go back (like pressing the BACKSPACE key)
images/btn_gui.png show/hide the gui (like pressing the TAB key)
images/btn_context_menu.png show the context menu (like pressing the C key)
images/btn_esc.png send ESC key (use it to get to the main menu, for example)
images/btn_volume_up.png increase the volume
images/btn_volume_down.png reduce the volume
images/btn_mute.png mute audio
  • move up
  • skip more forward
  • move down
  • skip more backward
  • move left
  • skip backward
  • move right
  • skip forward
images/btn_play_pause.png play/pause the current item
images/btn_stop.png stop playing
images/btn_enter.png select the current item (use to change directories, start a movie, etc.)

Setup Dialog

The Setup dialog can be activated from application's menu. The changes are saved only if you press the Done button. Clicking outside the dialog is interpretted as canceling the current changes.

The Restore Defaults button will restore the defaults. You will still have to press Done to make these values active.



Simple XBMC Remote uses the Event Server API to communicate with XBMC. This server uses UDP sockets and is, by default, configured to listen on port 9777.


If you are unable to control the XBMC, please first verify that the Event Server port is not blocked by your firewall.

On the phone

Use these settings to configure the network connection between XBMC and Simple XBMC Remote.

  • Server: the IP or name of the XBMC server
  • Port: the Event Server port (default: 9777)

On the server

The network configuration for XBMC is accessible via System > Network > Settings > Services. On this page, you will have to activate Allow programs from other systems to control XBMC.



You can disable the screen saver by checking the Use custom screensaver (via the main menu).

When activated, the custom screensaver allows you to:

  • set the dim timeout (how long before the screen dims if there is no activity)
  • set the dim level
  • set the lock timeout (how long before the screen locks itself if there is no activity)

The application considers activity any button press.



In case of some error, Simple XBMC Remote will display a notification. The time these notifications are displayed is controlled by the slider under Notifications. If you want to completely dissable these notifications, move the slider completely to the left.


Full screen

By default, the application starts maximized. If you want, you can check the Start in full-screen to force the application to start in full-screen. The application doesn't save it's maximized/fullscreen state, but uses the value provided here.

To switch between maximized and full-screen, double-tap on the main window.

images/simplexbmcremote-0.11.0--setup--notifications.png Get Simple XBMC Remote at Fast, secure and Free Open Source software downloads